Men of Sunnyside! Every Monday through January 2nd from 5-8pm in the Sunnyside Room, come together for football, fellowship, and a brief halftime devotional. All ages welcome!
Men of Sunnyside! Every Monday through January 2nd from 5-8pm in the Sunnyside Room, come together for football, fellowship, and a brief halftime devotional. All ages welcome!
Men of Sunnyside! Every Monday through January 2nd from 5-8pm in the Sunnyside Room, come together for football, fellowship, and a brief halftime devotional. All ages welcome!
Sunnyside Sisters Women’s Retreat 2022 | October 15th-16th What: Get away and fellowship with your Sunnyside sisters at our annual women’s retreat. It will be a fun, fulfilling and powerful weekend as we hear from our very own Raynell Flohr speaking on the topic, ‘The Power in Change!’ Expect worship, time with Jesus and the[...]
Men of Sunnyside! Every Monday through January 2nd from 5-8pm in the Sunnyside Room, come together for football, fellowship, and a brief halftime devotional. All ages welcome!
Join us for a Harvest Party following service on October 23rd. Sign up to bring something to share for our chili cookoff. There will be games and fun for kids of all ages!
Men of Sunnyside! Every Monday through January 2nd from 5-8pm in the Sunnyside Room, come together for football, fellowship, and a brief halftime devotional. All ages welcome!