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Sunnyside Church

We believe in the power of prayer

Here are all the different ways we pray here at Sunnyside. Learn how you can receive prayer or pray for others.

He Hears Us:

Every  Monday morning at 8:30AM we meet in the sanctuary  to pray for our community and our church. Everyone is welcome to join us at any time.

Prayer Team:

After church every Sunday you can come down to the front of the sanctuary and get prayed for by any of our team. A burden shared is a burden divided.

Hospital Visitations:

We have pastors on staff that can come to the hospital and pray with you before a surgery or visit you and pray. Just let us know.

Pastor’s Prayer:

We have a directory with everyone’s name in it (which is why we like to get new people’s names and addresses) and the pastors go through the list and pray for each person. Then we send you a postcard in the mail telling you that you were prayed for.

Prayer Needs

If you, or someone you know is in the hospital, or has lost a loved one or is sick, please let us know here in the office. We can’t pray for you or minister to you if we don’t know the need.

Email Blast Intercessors:

If you would like to be on the list to receive the prayer emails so you can pray for people when the needs come up, email

Church Email Blast:

If you, or someone in your family, is going through something that we can pray in agreement with you for, we would love to do that. Call the church at 503-698-5555 or email during the week to get your prayer request put on the email blast. Also, if the request is personal and private, the pastors will pray but they will not put it on an email blast.

Intercessory Prayer:

We have a team of people who intercede for each Sunday service. They pray for the pastor, the worship, the children’s workers, and anything else the Pastor feels is a need for the Sunday. Intercessors get an email during the week telling them what they can pray for. If you would like to join this team, email Linda at

Need Prayer?

Call the office (503-698-5555) or fill out our online communication card.

Request Prayer

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sunnyside foursquare
sunnyside foursquare
Online Giving

Use Planning Center for your tithes and offerings or donations.

Connect with Us

13231 SE Sunnyside Road
Happy Valley, OR 97015
(503) 698-5555.

The Foursquare Church

We are part of the Foursquare Church, an international movement of 68,000 churches in 136 countries.

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