January 24, 2021
Jenny Vick continues our series in 1st John with a powerful message on the scripture 1 John 2:18-29.
January 17, 2021
Pastor DJ delivers a sermon to that will help equip our church to walk in confident victory over the enemy and his lies.
December 27, 2020
Makana wraps up our Christmas season with a sermon titled “Eternal Reward”. You do not want to miss this sermon.
December 24, 2020
Our traditional candlelight service with Christmas Carols, the Nativity story, a message from Pastor DJ and the lighting of the Jesus Candle.
December 20, 2020
The Sagadraca Family lights the Shepard’s Candle and our guest speaker Mike Mercer brings us a powerful message titled, “Son of the Most High”.
December 13, 2020
Pastor Ally and her husband Justin light the Angel candle as we celebrate the third Sunday of advent. Pastor DJ walks us through a message titled “He will be Great”.
December 6, 2020
The second week of Advent. The Atkisson Family lights the Bethlehem Candle and Pastor DJ discusses the certainty with which the Angel Gabriel delivered the news to Mary that, “You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.” -Luke 1:31