September 1, 2019
Pray It Out
Pastor Ryan Egli ends our short series in the book of James by speaking on the healing power of prayer out of James chapter 5.
September 1, 2019
Pastor Ryan Egli ends our short series in the book of James by speaking on the healing power of prayer out of James chapter 5.
June 30, 2019
Pastors Sabrina and Ryan Egli lead our church in one of our fifth Sunday Family services. They give a sneak peak into what one of our Kids Church (elementary age) services looks like as Pastor Sabrina speaks on Kindness.
February 17, 2019
Pastor Ryan Egli speaks briefly on how the Holy Spirit empowers us to live in the purpose of the church “being disciples who make disciples” in our series on Radical Relocation.
September 30, 2018
Pastor Ryan Egli, the nextgen pastor at Sunnyside Church, brings the second message in our sermon series on the the book of Colossians called “Fully Alive.” He speaks on 4 ways to live fully alive, and worthy of our calling out of Colossians 1:3-14.
June 3, 2018
Pastor Ryan Egli preaches on the topic of Relating to our Co-Workers in the next installment of our “Relate” series on relationships.