December 15, 2019
The Angel Candle | A Gift of Heavenly Perspective
Pastor DJ delivers a message on the topic of “Our Perspective vs A Heavenly Perspective”
December 15, 2019
Pastor DJ delivers a message on the topic of “Our Perspective vs A Heavenly Perspective”
December 8, 2019
Pastor DJ talks about humility and references both Mary and the town of Bethlehem as we light the Bethlehem candle.
December 1, 2019
Pastor DJ kicks off our Advent season themed A Gift to Give with a sermon titled A Letter to Write.
November 17, 2019
Pastor DJ Vick continues our series entitled “Behold” on the topic of the power of prayer. In this sermon he encourages us to press into God while looking at 1st Peter chapter 1.
November 10, 2019
Pastor DJ begins a new mini series on the power of prayer and God’s presence.
November 3, 2019
Pastor DJ Vick wraps up our “Become” series all about our identity by speaking out of Romans chapter 8.
October 27, 2019
Pastor DJ Vick continues our series on our Identity called “Become” as we go deeper into Romans chapter 8.
October 20, 2019
Pastor DJ Vick continues our “Become” series by sharing out of Romans chapter 8.
October 13, 2019
Pastor DJ kicks off a mini series titled BECOME with a messages on embracing the identity given to us through Christ.