May 16, 2021
Watch and Be Ready
Guest speaker Isaac Hovet delivers a powerful sermon titled, “Watch and Be Ready” and we honor the Atkisson Family for their heart and dedication to Sunnyside Church as they leave on their new adventure.
May 16, 2021
Guest speaker Isaac Hovet delivers a powerful sermon titled, “Watch and Be Ready” and we honor the Atkisson Family for their heart and dedication to Sunnyside Church as they leave on their new adventure.
September 6, 2020
Guest Pastor Issac Hovet bring an inspired message titled ‘Trust and Soar’
August 26, 2018
Our guest speaker Pastor Isaac Hovet, the senior pastor at West Salem Foursquare Church, brings a great message on the importance of the little things in the kingdom. He focuses on 1 Corinthians 13 talking about Faith, Hope and Love.